Commitments for Ango:
- ~45 Minutes (1 long incense stick) morning zazen (6am CDT) + a few minutes of liturgy (HS, Sandokai, DoM, VoA, FV, EJKG & Metta)
- ~25 Minutes (1 short incense stick) evening zazen (8pm CDT) + same liturgy as morning, maybe drop Sandokai, it's long, but I just really love it.
- Full vegan.
- Previously I was a lacto-vegan (if that exists) and it was always a burden on my heart. To be so close to what I wanted to practice as compassion but not being able to drop dairy always has bugged me.
- Dropping of soda, coffee & beer.
- Soda & coffee because it causes reflux for me and soda has lots of calories, so for health reasons. Beer because drinking 1 or 2 seems pointless.
- Shobogenzo reading each day
- Academic study of Kaz Tanahashi's Shobo is my current focus.
- 30 Minutes of shakuhachi or sewing practice per day.
- Depending on when I'm doing it sort of dictates which. Kids in bed means sewing...not shaku.
- Dana
- I have started a group on FB called Compassion in Action. First order of business is the North Texas Food Bank. Just doing a food drive and delivering it. After this I will begin to look at something maybe a bit different...maybe environmental or with people...still thinking about it
- Nurturing Seeds Practice
- This is a new one for me, but essentially not letting any negative 'seeds' take root in my thoughts.
- Practice Partner Exercises
- Weekly exercise to foster a strong practice with a partner and share Ango commitments
- Meet with Jundo or Taigu at least once a month for dokusan.
- Participate in Jukai preparations (Precept studies, Book readings and sewing of rakusu)
- Formal studies and practices of samu.
- Mindful eating preceded by meal gatha at each meal.
- Commit to attending Rohatsu retreat in December.
My plan is to post up a daily blog on my successes, failures and insights. This will provide a three-fold benefit. Provide my practice partner, Shohei, an update of my day. Secondly, provide a nice way to look back over the 90 day journey. Lastly, provide some boring, funny, sad and pointless data for your viewing pleasure.
Thanks & Gassho!
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