Tuesday, February 22, 2011

In Memory of Mom

My mom passed away March 3rd, 1995. She graced this world for 54 years. As I have been doing a lot of thinking about her lately and have found that I miss her dearly and more deeply than ever. I have decided to dedicate a special time of practice to her memory.

Seeking to have some meaning, yet requiring none, I will dedicate the 5 days before and 4 days after March third of zazen to her and on a greater level mothers as a whole. Their role, sacrifices and love is very much needed in the world. Many times I see the bodhisattva Kannon/Avalokitesvara as a reflection of the role that motherhood fills.

My mother was never a religious person but always supportive of my existential searching. She always said that if she entered a church the roof would fall in on her. As I continue to practice I am of the belief that her life was a beautiful representation of pure practice, pure love of life and investing her time and being into what matters. Thank you mom for being such a wonderful example.

Nine bows.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sewing the Kesa

I have been putting off posting about my sewing of the kesa. It was such an intimate practice that words seem to just tarnish the beauty of it all.

But such is life.

Stitch by stitch,
Sewing life into the robe,
Pain in my fingers,
Thoughts fall away,
Emptiness remains.